The Reason: A few years ago I started replacing the CRAZINESS of Halloween with a transformation and I will NEVER go back. Halloween used to be my LEAST favorite day of the year because the kiddos are hyped on candy, pumped for the fun that night, and over energized. It often turned into a day of babysitting because you couldn't really get any real work done because of the excitement and behaviors. Now - I decorate my classroom in the spirit of Halloween and instead of craziness, you'll find my students actively engaged in rigorous learning. My favorite part is that they have NO IDEA they are actually completing school work and not "Halloween party-ing" all day!
The Decor: Decor for this transformation is simple because I black out my windows and turn off the lights. I find that whenever I turn off the lights for a transformation it is a whole lot simpler to decorate. For this transformation I use a couple black lights that I already have from my Glow Day transformation to create a bit of a spooky mood. I also cover tables with black tablecloths and place candles (that I also have from another transformation) and spiderweb in the middle of each table. I also use the spiderweb all over my room to add to the fun!
The Activities: This has changed over the past year since I only teach ELA now, but I am going to give you an overview of all the activities you can do in your own classroom in case you teach all of the subjects. = )
Activity #1 - Fear Factor Math - Do your students have the courage to reach in and find a task card for their group? For this station students simply took turns reaching in and grabbing out a math task card for their group to solve. I made two sets of task cards for each box, which allowed me to differentiate my groups. These task cards are simply computation. The looks on my kiddos faces when they reached into these boxes was THE BEST! It made the peeling of grapes that took place long after my bedtime the night before the transformation totally worth it! Ha!
What you will need to create fear factor math in your classroom:
I created four different fear factor boxes.
Intestines – Spaghetti noodles/oil
Maggots/Bugs- Overcooked rice/raisins/oil
Eyeballs – Peeled grapes/oil
Human Skin – Cooked cabbage
(There are lots of other options online.)
You will also need four boxes to put each of these in and wet wipes and paper towels near by.
How to set up fear factor: Prepare each different type of food and place in separate plastic boxes. Cut and laminate task cards for each box and mix them into the food items. Find four boxes that can be placed on top of the plastic boxes that contain the fear factor items. I used copy paper boxes that we had lying around the school. I just used the bottom portion of the box and flipped them over on top of the plastic containers. I cut a hole just large enough for a hand in the middle of the bottom of the box (which becomes the top when flipped over).
What you will need to create fear factor math in your classroom:
I created four different fear factor boxes.
Intestines – Spaghetti noodles/oil
Maggots/Bugs- Overcooked rice/raisins/oil
Eyeballs – Peeled grapes/oil
Human Skin – Cooked cabbage
(There are lots of other options online.)
You will also need four boxes to put each of these in and wet wipes and paper towels near by.
How to set up fear factor: Prepare each different type of food and place in separate plastic boxes. Cut and laminate task cards for each box and mix them into the food items. Find four boxes that can be placed on top of the plastic boxes that contain the fear factor items. I used copy paper boxes that we had lying around the school. I just used the bottom portion of the box and flipped them over on top of the plastic containers. I cut a hole just large enough for a hand in the middle of the bottom of the box (which becomes the top when flipped over).
**GRAB MATH TASK CARDS HERE. The pack includes 4th and 5th grade level task cards, along with an editable file so that you can create your own task cards and box labels in case you want to do something slightly different than what I did!
Activity #2: Bean Boozled Word Problems
For this station, students played bean boozled. To set this station up, I grabbed the bean boozle refillable packs on Amazon and printed (and laminated) the spinner off of google. I put the beans in a black bowl and positioned it in the middle of the table. Students took turns drawing task cards. Students would ALL solve the task card and discuss the answer. Once everyone had the same answer, the person who picked the task card then got to spin the bean-boozled wheel. Kiddos LOVE gross things, so they thought that this game was AMAZING!
Activity #3 - Skeleton Flingers
with Context Clues Task Cards

This station uses Skeleton FLINGERS I found in the Target Dollar spot, but you can also find them on Amazon. Students will solve a reading task card and then fling a skeleton onto a Target to earn points for their team! Check back for photos of this station! If you can’t find flingers in your dollar spot, you could simply pair reading task cards with any Halloween themed game. =)
Activity #4 - Spooky Creative Writing
Now that I only teach ELA - I added this writing activity last year. I created a “graveyard” area of my classroom by turning boxes into tombstones. I scattered the ghosts in the graveyard. Students retrieved a ghost from the graveyard and then used the word in a creative Halloween story. The students will be able to creatively write any spooky Halloween story they would like. Students can retrieve the ghosts in any fun way! Ideas could include using mini skeleton hands, “snot” on their faces using Vaseline and green dye (idea from Wade King), etc.
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